First I would like to announce that I have gotten married on September 6th. I have prayed over the last two years for God to change my heart. I felt I kept taking one step forward, and several steps backwards. I was going to church, Bible study and praying. But there were parts of me that I just would not submit to the Lord. Two things, to be specific. Relationships and my art were ungodly parts of my life. I was living with a broken lady and trying to be a photographer (shooting mostly scantily clad women) while working on my comic book full of drugs, rape, love triangles, witchcraft, gods, goddesses, Saint Lucifer, vampires and zombies. Sounds horrible, I know. Then I met Amber. This woman loves the Lord. She has three beautiful little girls and I fell in love with them all. But things were still hard, and I felt this black cloud hanging over me. I started going to Amber’s church, and continued to pray to God to change my heart (I knew that’s where the problem was).
(rough draft for cover to issue 1)
“Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.” Hosea 10:12
Labels: Christian, Comic Book, My Walk