This week as I plugged along with my comic ideas, it all came crashing down. I have been fleshing out 20 full issues of the comic book “My Walk”. This is huge, a total of 652 pages. Each document was 32 pages each (36 with front, back and inside covers). I was working back and forth, little by little, on issues 1, 10, 12, 15 and an issue titled “Ashcan”. This is how I work. I get an idea here and there randomly and plunk it in where needed. I love to jump around while working on projects. That way I am moving forward, working towards completion instead of having a desk full of “to do” notes. I was working in Corel Draw. I love the program for its design and layout features. So the other day I opened issue 1 in Corel Draw and instead of my 36 pages of text and layouts, a single blank page stared back at me. Don’t panic, I thought. I opened Issue 2 that I just started the day before, with the same results. Issue 10, same, and I panicked. Just for a second. I am now rebuilding on my Mac with the program Comic Life and trying to remember every detail I had in my comics. I feel God working through all of this. I am actually enjoying the results of the new program, and how much better it is looking. I have two Macs with Comic Life on them, three external hard drives, a thumb drive and the cloud. I am working on archiving and preserving my work. I am developing a new work flow that set me back just a little. I am very grateful that this happened now at the beginning, and not later on in the process. God is good. “My Walk” by John Bursell © 3 Otters Enterprises- Christ, Comics & Community. #outlawcomics #comicbooks #christianart #christiancomicbook #christiancomicstrip #christiancomics #mywalkcomic #jesus
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